
Light, form, shape, value, relationship, color, texture: what is our relationship to what we are seeing? We are all unique in our experience of what we see and how we interpret the light that reflects back at us. Whether I'm studying a photograph that I've taken or looking directly at life, I try and capture what it is I'm experiencing. I aspire for my work be a true reflection of who I am and what I came here to see. Being in the moment with my art makes me giddy and playful but also quiet and introspective, enjoying the dance between me and my creativity. All of my emotions are evoked when making art. When my mind is quiet it can freely flow from one emotion to the next, setting into motion endless creativity. Movement and play is often what draws me to an image but other times it can be stillness and color.
The other work that I do in life is taking care of humans, listening, holding space, devising a treatment plan, paying attention to the subtleties and nuances of a story. Now that I've expanded my work to include painting and printmaking I can listen to my story, what a gift it is to tell it with ink and paint.